Begin the journey of Reconciliation

play a practical, measurable and impactful role in advancing reconciliation and ending violence against Indigenous and non-Indigenous women and children

The journey of reconciliation is an ongoing process that all Canadians must take.

The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP)is the framework on which to build meaningful and lasting reconciliation. Bill C-15 – The United Declaration on the rights of Indigenous Peoples Act was enacted into Canadian law on June 21, 2021, and Canada formally committed to working together with Indigenous Peoples to implement the declaration in a meaningful way.

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC)  identified 94 Calls to action in their final report. These Calls to action are detailed recommendations to help further reconciliation towards a renewed relationship with the Indigenous Peoples of Canada.

Call to Action # 57 calls upon all levels of government to ‘educate public servants’ on the history of Indigenous Peoples, their rights as per The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), and the legacy of residential schools. The Act also responds to the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action (#43 and #44) and the Calls for Justice derived from the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Women and Girls (MMIWG) Final Report: Reclaiming Power and Place.

Get Involved!

It’s easy and free to participate in the Moose Hide Campaign. There are many ways to show support:


  • Wear and share the Moose Hide pin. Wear and share the Moose Hide pin. We challenge executives and employees in all levels of government to distribute these pins of hope and solidarity to raise awareness in your workplace and community.
  • Set up a Moose Hide Campaign kiosk in your workplace.
  • Organize your own Moose Hide Campaign event. Hundreds of community events have taken place across Canada, organized by local ambassadors. We’d love to see you support these events, or create your own.
  • Declare May 16, 2024 “Moose Hide Campaign Day” at your Council Meeting.
  • Participate in Campaign Day virtually or in person, providing an experiential training and professional development opportunity focused on developing healthy approaches to addressing domestic and gender-based violence.
Community Champions are the Heart of Moose Hide Campaign

Community Champions support the Moose Hide Campaign Day by organizing local events and taking an active role in ending gender-based violence in their community. HOST A KIOSK Hosting a kiosk is one of the most effective ways to raise...

Natasha Rainkie – Indigenous educator
Natasha Rainkie – Indigenous educator

Natasha Rainkie’s aspiration to become an Indigenous educator started in elementary school. When she was called over the intercom to go to the ‘Indigenous room’—where non-Indigenous teachers taught about Indigenous culture —her face would grow red in...

The Moose Hide Pin – A Gift of Medicine
The Moose Hide Pin – A Gift of Medicine

The heart of the Moose Hide Campaign is the pin - a small square of moose hide that we offer as a medicine for a social illness impacting all Canadians - namely domestic and gender-based violence against women and children, and particularly indigenous women and...

Changing The World, One Pin at a Time
Changing The World, One Pin at a Time

Teale Phelps Bondaroff describes himself as an “activist academic.” His impressive breadth of work is hard to whittle down to one category. He’s a Councillor for the District of Saanich. He’s the Director of Research for the marine conservation organization...