Ambassador Campus Program

end gender-based violence by creating safer campuses and student communities across Canada 

According to Sexual Violence at Canadian Universities, at least one in four women attending college or university in Canada will be sexually assaulted by the time they graduate. As part of our vision, no woman should be made to feel unsafe or experience abuse or violence on their university campus.

Post-secondary institutions across Canada are embracing the Moose Hide Campaign as a way to create safer spaces, both on and off campus, and as a way to support reconciliation and inclusion.

Joining the Campaign promotes the implementation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action, the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Inquiry Calls for Justice.


Get Your Campus Involved

It’s easy and free for your Post-Secondary Institution to participate in the Moose Hide Campaign. Whether you are a student or school administrator, here are some of the ways  many ways to to show support:


  • Wear and share the Moose Hide pin. Distribute these pins of hope and solidarity to raise awareness on campus.
  • Set up a campaign kiosk so students can pick up a pin and find out more.
  • Take part in a Moose Hide Campaign gathering and encourage members of your post-secondary community to join you.

Take the Next Step

Institutes can achieve the Moose Hide Campaign Ambassador Campus designation which demonstrates your ongoing commitment to reconciliation and addressing violence on campus. 

Learn more below….


Become an Ambassador Campus

Ambassador Campus designation demonstrates your ongoing commitment to reconciliation and addressing violence on campus

Institutes can achieve the Moose Hide Campaign Ambassador Campus designation which demonstrates your ongoing commitment to reconciliation and addressing violence on campus.



The Ambassador Campus Initiative aims to end gender-based violence by creating safer campuses and communities across Canada. Based on the completion of specific actions identified in the Annual Action Inventory for your campus, you can achieve the Moose Hide Campaign Ambassador Campus designation, demonstrating your ongoing commitment to reconciliation and addressing violence on campus.

Involvement in the Ambassador Campus Initiative will promote the implementation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action, the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Inquiry Calls for Justice.

Step 1 | Submit your letter of intent and complete the online registration

Please submit a brief letter of intent that addresses how your institution will support the Campaign goals and complete the online registration form. Once you have registered your school and submitted your letter of intent, you will be able to access Moose Hide Campaign resources created in partnership with post-secondary institutions. At the end of the year, we will ask you to provide a statement of the impact you’ve seen on campus as a result of this initiative.


Get the word out on campus and in the community by distributing our moose hide pins – a symbol of commitment and solidarity to end violence. Order them online for free here – including animal-free versions.


This could be a community event, virtual webinar or community action research project. Take a look at past post-secondary projects for inspiration.


Inspire members of your campus to take the online pledge (verbal, written or video submission) to end violence and to encourage members to fast in solidarity on Moose Hide Campaign Day. The next Moose Hide Campaign Day will be held May 11, 2023


Moose Hide Campaign partner campuses across the country will be hosting a series of national virtual social strengthening events. Individuals from across the country can participate in these virtual events and engage more deeply in conversations around ending violence, reconciliation and creating safer campuses.

For more information:

[email protected]

Letters of Intent from our Campus Partners

Sprott Shaw College
Northeastern University
Northeastern University
Northeastern University

Safe Space, Safe Place Legacy Projects

The goal of the Safe Space, Safe Place national initiative was to create safer violence free campuses. We launched five Safe Space, Safe Place projects with post-secondary schools across Canada as a result of funding raised in partnership with the National MBA Games 2017 and 2018.

Now, we continue to work on engaging all post-secondary institutions across Canada through our new Ambassador Campus Initiative. Click here to learn more about our past Safe Space, Safe Place legacy projects.

Carleton University: Medicine Room – Ojigkwanong Centre

Carleton University’s Ojigkwanong Centre in Ottawa, Ontario inaugurated a newly renovated medicine room at Ojigkwanong Centre. The Moose Hide Campaign Development Society was honoured to support the project and be present at the inauguration of this Safe...

University of Victoria, Community Mapping Toolkit

The University of Victoria (UVic) launched a community mapping project in partnership with the Moose Hide Campaign. Students, faculty and staff were encouraged to share stories about positive experiences, places they felt safe, services and information they found...

McMaster University: The Time is Now Campaign

The Moose Hide Campaign partnered with McMaster University to launch, The Time is Now Campaign. #TheTimeIsNow Safe Space, Safe Place McMaster campaign was an expansion of the IT’S TIME to End Violence on Campus Campaign implemented in 2014. The objective of the...

University of Alberta: Portraits of Indigenous Masculinities

The Moose Hide Campaign partnered with the University of Alberta First People’s House, in conjunction with the Sexual Assault Centre on campus launched the initiative, Portraits of Indigenous Masculinities. This project hosted several events during Sexual Assault...

Vancouver Island University: Know More Campaign

The Moose Hide Campaign partnered with VIU to launch the Know More Campaign, an education program to raise awareness about sexual misconduct, consent and a healthy campus culture. The Know More Campaign is part of Vancouver Island University’s (VIU) commitment to...