Each Pin Sparks 5 Conversations

Moose hide pins shine a light into the shadows of a devastating social illness impacting all Canadians

Worn as a commitment to honour, respect and protect the women and children in your life

We provide these pins and information cards as a gift of medicine. We invite you to help us keep this work sustainable by offering a gift of reciprocity. A donation of $1/pin is suggested.

Pins come in batches of 25 so you can wear and share this medicine. Plant-based pins are available.

As moose hide pins are medicine, please do not sell them for any amount of money. If you are collecting donations for the Moose Hide Campaign as you distribute them, please check out our Donor’s Toolkit to support your efforts..

Please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery and note we can only ship to Canadian addresses.

Once you get your pins share a photo of yourself wearing a pin on social media and tag us!

We warmly invite you to order only the pins you need to share over the next two months. When you’ve shared them all, you’re welcome to place another order. By taking this thoughtful approach, we can ensure this sacred medicine is available for all who feel called to be agents of change. Thank you for being part of this journey and for helping us share the medicine with care, intention, and sustainability.

We warmly invite you to order only the pins you need to share over the next two months. When you’ve shared them all, you’re welcome to place another order. By taking this thoughtful approach, we can ensure this sacred medicine is available for all who feel called to be agents of change. Thank you for being part of this journey and for helping us share the medicine with care, intention, and sustainability.

EACH PIN SPARKS at least 5 conversations

Pins Gifted Out

that’s at least 30M conversations!

Mother Earth Recycling to Provide Moose Hide Pins
Mother Earth Recycling to Provide Moose Hide Pins

The Moose Hide Campaign is pleased to announce their new relationship with Mother Earth Recycling, who will provide the production and distribution of moose hide pins, which have become a symbol of action to end violence towards women, children, and all those along...

The Moose Hide Pin – A Gift of Medicine
The Moose Hide Pin – A Gift of Medicine

The heart of the Moose Hide Campaign is the pin - a small square of moose hide that we offer as a medicine for a social illness impacting all Canadians - namely domestic and gender-based violence against women and children, and particularly indigenous women and...

Our Valued Sponsors