Each Pin Sparks 5 Conversations
Moose hide pins shine a light into the shadows of a devastating social illness impacting all Canadians
Worn as a commitment to honour, respect and protect the women and children in your life, pins come in batches of 25 so you can spread the word of the campaign. We also offer the option of animal-free pins.
We provide these pins and information cards as a gift of medicine. For all orders of more than 50 pins, we invite you to reciprocate with a donation of $1/pin.
As moose hide pins are medicine, we ask you to not sell them for any amount of money. If you are collecting donations for the Moose Hide Campaign as you distribute them, please reach out to our team if you’d like support.
Shipping generally takes 2-4 weeks, but you can request a later date if you do not require them immediately.
Once you get your pins,
- Share a photo of yourself wearing a pin on social media and tag us!
- Carry extra pins with you to share with those who ask you about it.
EACH PIN SPARKS at least 5 conversations
Pins Gifted Out
that’s at least 30M conversations!
Mother Earth Recycling to Provide Moose Hide Pins
The Moose Hide Campaign is pleased to announce their new relationship with Mother Earth Recycling, who will provide the production and distribution of moose hide pins, which have become a symbol of action to end violence towards women, children, and all those along...
The Moose Hide Pin – A Gift of Medicine
The heart of the Moose Hide Campaign is the pin - a small square of moose hide that we offer as a medicine for a social illness impacting all Canadians - namely domestic and gender-based violence against women and children, and particularly indigenous women and...