the journey of Reconciliation

end gender-based violence by creating safer communities across Canada 

The journey of reconciliation is an ongoing process that we warmly invite all Canadian to participate in.

Get your team involved

It’s free and easy to invite your workplace to the Moose Hide Campaign. Here are ways you can show support and start conversations at work:

Wear and share the Moose Hide pin
Share the pin and start the conversations. Order them for free! (animal free versions also available)

Set up a campaign kiosk at work
Hosting a kiosk is a great way to raise awareness about the MHC and the issue of violence towards women and children. Find information and resources to support you.

Bring the Moose Hide Campaign Day to the office
Join the livestream of Campaign Day on May 16, 2024 and invite your workmates. Enjoy a day of ceremony, inspiring speakers and workshops focused on healing and change. It’s a wonderful opportunity to offer reconciliation-focused professional development! 

Organize your own Moose Hide Campaign event
Host a #WalkToEndViolence with your team.  Challenge another department or company to join you and share the message even wider. Find information on how to implement a walk.

Encourage Your Company to Lead
We know that many Canadians care about erasing gender-based violence from Canadian society and are committed to reconciliation. We invite leaders from all sectors to partner with us and find ways to truly stand against violence. Reach out to start a conversation

Please reach out if you have any questions
We are here to support you as you stand up against gender-based and domestic violence and journey towards reconciliation. Or just reach out to let us know about your awesome initiatives – as a grassroots organization, we are always deeply honoured and encouraged to hear about organisations standing with us.

For more information:

[email protected]

Women’s Memorial Marches Across Canada
Women’s Memorial Marches Across Canada

Every February resonant marches unfold across Canada, especially on and around Valentine's Day, as First Nations, Inuit, and Métis people come together to address the profound issue of missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls and two-spirit plus individuals...

Loud and Proud in Inuvik 
Loud and Proud in Inuvik 

For the community of Inuvik in the Northwest Territories, Moose Hide Campaign Day was heavy yet powerful.  At the beginning of May, an LGBTQIA2S+ man from a community near Inuvik went missing. After endless searching, he has still not been found.  ...

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